


6 round swiss where the winner of each game is the first to bear off all pieces (no doubling die or clocks used).  1pt games.

Nackgammon has the same rules as Backgammon but with a different starting position, which is detailed here

Backgammon is one of the oldest board games for two players. The playing pieces are moved according to the roll of dice, and a player wins by removing all of his pieces from the board before his opponent. Backgammon is a member of the tables family, one of the oldest classes of board games in the world. Although luck is involved and factors into the outcome, strategy plays a more important role in the long run. With each roll of the dice, players must choose from numerous options for moving their checkers and anticipate possible counter-moves by the opponent. In variants that originate from early 20th century New York, players may raise the stakes during the game.

All matches played as part of Mind Sports Olympiad tournaments will contribute to individual players’ UKBGF ratings. Non-results, such as walk-overs, are excluded, as are side-matches that are not part of the scheduled set of matches.

Oware is an abstract strategy game among the bigger Mancala family of board games (or Pit and Pebbles Games)

  • Description


    6 round swiss where the winner of each game is the first to bear off all pieces (no doubling die or clocks used).  1pt games.

    Nackgammon has the same rules as Backgammon but with a different starting position, which is detailed here

    Backgammon is one of the oldest board games for two players. The playing pieces are moved according to the roll of dice, and a player wins by removing all of his pieces from the board before his opponent. Backgammon is a member of the tables family, one of the oldest classes of board games in the world. Although luck is involved and factors into the outcome, strategy plays a more important role in the long run. With each roll of the dice, players must choose from numerous options for moving their checkers and anticipate possible counter-moves by the opponent. In variants that originate from early 20th century New York, players may raise the stakes during the game.

    All matches played as part of Mind Sports Olympiad tournaments will contribute to individual players’ UKBGF ratings. Non-results, such as walk-overs, are excluded, as are side-matches that are not part of the scheduled set of matches.

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  • Event Details

    Event Details

    Date: 20 August 2024

    Start time: 14:15 GMT

    End time: 18:00 GMT

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