Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico


In Puerto Rico, players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings.

During each round, players take turns selecting a role card from those on the table (such as “Trader” or “Builder”). When a role is chosen, every player gets to take the action appropriate to that role. The player that selected the role also receives a small privilege for doing so – for example, choosing the “Builder” role allows all players to construct a building, but the player who chose the role may do so at a discount on that turn. Unused roles gain a doubloon bonus at the end of each turn, so the next player who chooses that role gets to keep any doubloon bonus associated with it. This encourages players to make use of all the roles throughout a typical course of a game.

Tournament Format
Players Per Table – 4
Rounds – 3

Oware is an abstract strategy game among the bigger Mancala family of board games (or Pit and Pebbles Games)

  • Description


    In Puerto Rico, players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings.

    During each round, players take turns selecting a role card from those on the table (such as “Trader” or “Builder”). When a role is chosen, every player gets to take the action appropriate to that role. The player that selected the role also receives a small privilege for doing so – for example, choosing the “Builder” role allows all players to construct a building, but the player who chose the role may do so at a discount on that turn. Unused roles gain a doubloon bonus at the end of each turn, so the next player who chooses that role gets to keep any doubloon bonus associated with it. This encourages players to make use of all the roles throughout a typical course of a game.

    Tournament Format
    Players Per Table – 4
    Rounds – 3

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  • Event Details

    Event Details

    Date: 21 August 2024

    Start time: 10:00 GMT

    End time: 18:00 GMT

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