Perudo (Liar’s Dice)

Perudo (Liar’s Dice)


Liar's dice is a class of dice games for two or more players requiring the ability to deceive and detect an opponent's deception. Five dice are used per player with dice cups used for concealment. The aim being to be the last player with any dice. Dice are lost when a player makes an incorrect bid or challenges a correct bid.

Full rules:

Traditional Bidding will be followed (as detailed in the rules above).

Calza rules will be used except when there are just two players remaining or there is a Palafico round (as detailed in the rules above). The option to Calza may be removed for all players at the arbiters discretion if a game is overrunning.

Mis-calls: If Calza is called when not allowed the call is ignored and the active player is required to choose an alternative action. If dice are revealed this is the fault of the players who revealed and the game continues. If all players revealed their dice then the round is replayed.

Tournament Format
Players Per Table - 5 (with 4s as necessary)
Rounds - 4

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  • Description


    Liar’s dice is a class of dice games for two or more players requiring the ability to deceive and detect an opponent’s deception. Five dice are used per player with dice cups used for concealment. The aim being to be the last player with any dice. Dice are lost when a player makes an incorrect bid or challenges a correct bid.

    Full rules:

    Traditional Bidding will be followed (as detailed in the rules above).

    Calza rules will be used except when there are just two players remaining or there is a Palafico round (as detailed in the rules above). The option to Calza may be removed for all players at the arbiters discretion if a game is overrunning.

    Mis-calls: If Calza is called when not allowed the call is ignored and the active player is required to choose an alternative action. If dice are revealed this is the fault of the players who revealed and the game continues. If all players revealed their dice then the round is replayed.

    Tournament Format
    Players Per Table – 5 (with 4s as necessary)
    Rounds – 4

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  • Event Details

    Event Details

    Date: 20 August 2024

    Start time: 18:45 GMT

    End time: 22:30 GMT

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